Nevada State Mining Championships

Drilling contests have been held in Tonopah since 1902.

Nevada State Mining Events

We continue that tradition to this day with the Nevada State Mining Championships, held every year during Jim Butler Days. Contestants from all over Nevada and the west compete for silver hammers and shovels and BIG prize money. Some events pay to FIVE places! Winner receives $100 per inch drilled, and cash prizes are also awarded to second through fourth places.

Join us at the Elks Lodge around noon on Saturday, May 25 after the parade for Men and Women’s Mucking and Drilling, Men and Women’s Team Mucking, and Double Jack. Closed circuit TV is available inside the lodge so you can have a drink at the bar while you’re enjoying the competitions. T-shirts available for $25 each. Food provided by the Tonopah High School Girls’ Volleyball Team.

The Youth and Junior events are held Sunday, May 26. Registration opens at 9 a.m.

State Records


Men’s Single Jack

Tom Donovan 1991 15-13/16”

Most Consecutive Men’s Single Jack Wins

Fred Andreasen 1972-1985

Men’s Double Jack

Scott Havens & Steve MacDonald 1998 25-1/6”

Men’s Mucking

Brock Boscovich 1998 1:33.85

Men’s Team Mucking

Matt Decker & Steve MacDonald 2010 0:48.31

Women’s Single Jack

Emma Baker 2018 6-29/32”

Women’s Mucking (1/2 Ton)

Emma Baker 2021 1:26.22

Women’s Mucking
(One Ton) *

Candy Metscher 1980 4:39.00

Women’s Team Mucking (1/2)

Emma Baker & Claire Roberts 2021 0:34.72

* First and only year for one ton for
women’s event

Prize Money

Men’s Mucking
Men’s Team Mucking
1.        $400 1.        $200 ea.
2.        $200 2.        $100 ea.
3.        $100 3.        $50 ea.
Total    $700 Total    $700
Women’s Mucking
Women’s Team Mucking
1.         $200 1.        $100 ea.
2.         $100 2.        $50 ea.
3.         $  50 3.        $35 ea.
Total    $350 Total    $370
Men’s Double Jack
1.        $200 ea.
2.        $100 ea.
3.        $50 ea.
Total    $700

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